Tuesday, May 14, 2013

WonderBoyz- 'Tarzan' MV

I usually know something about the groups that I put up, but although I have heard their name before, I have no real idea who the members of WonderBoyz are, and what types of singles they have put out before. Honestly, I’m not that interested in them yet, but I did come across their new song and MV ‘Tarzan’. 

The first time I heard it, I thought I had stumbled upon a Reggeaton song, another genre of music that I enjoy, so I wasn’t upset, but then the presence of cute Asian boys threw me off. There is definitely something about this song that is reminiscent of a Daddy Yankee song, but beyond that it’s just really well produced. The placement of their vocals and all the added background sounds, makes this song super catchy. As I said, I don’t know anything about this group and the song doesn’t give a great understanding of their vocal skills, but it’s got that great addictive hook and updated Tarzan call.

The video is cute but I with there had been a little more to the story. This guy stays in his house all day surrounded by Tarzan comics and old school movies. Then he leaves the house, which is a huge step, and he appears in front of his “Jane” with the dirty clothes and messy hair because he’ll be just as wild and fierce as Tarzan in order to protect her, but is he some jobless loafer? Couldn’t they have worked the other members into the plot a bit better? How come that pimple on his upper lip disappears when he goes outside? Just few things that went through my mind while watching.
Anyway, I’ll look out for their live performance of this song to see if I’ll become interested in this group, but if I don’t,  at least I found a really cool song to start off the summer withJ.

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