Tae Wook goes home and meets his mother, who has just finished a rose petal bath, and she asks where he’s coming from so early on a Sunday. He tells her that he’s just met with Dreamer as they had some things to discuss. She scoffs at him for being nagged by his fiancé and he asks why she told Dreamer not to prepare wedding gifts. “Why should she get household items when we already have them? Besides could she really prepare at the level our family is at?”
“But still, maybe you should be more considerate of her feelings.”
“Considerate? Why? So she can spend the money you gave her to buy wedding gifts?”
Now we finally know why Tae Wook gave her the money in the first place, he was actually trying to save her pride in front of his family. He asks what his sister-in-law prepared and at this his mother looks a bit uncomfortable and refuses to share the information.
In some tiny gym, Good Wife takes out her frustrations on punching bag, sweating and huffing.
When someone else enters, she ends her workout and begins packing up. He tries to find out more about
her because she comes to workout but doesn't seem to live in the neighborhood. She doesn't respond to
the questions at all just leaves without showering , taking the back street to reach her car. In the back
seat there are new clothes and she drives to a cheap looking apartment building, which turns out to be
where her mother, sister, a baby and her brother are staying. Even though this is where everyone she
grew up with lives, she seems exasperated with them. As she takes a shower, her father-in-law calls and
she hops out to answer it. Lying about running errands, she promises to return quickly.
Her brother catches her there, crouching in a towel reassuring the in-laws and he definitely doesn't
like what he sees. Asking her why she has to answer before even getting dresssed. In her room she has
books on broadcasting, and pictures of her idol Barbra Walters, this is obviously where she keeps her
"self" the one that's not allowed in the Kang household. After dressing and beautifying herself she tries
to sit down with the rest of the family for lunch, but almost immediately starts a fight with her little
brother asking 'Are you still not working? How long has it been since you finished your military service?'
'Well if you're so great why don't you tell your husband to get me a job?"
"Does that make any sense to you? You only have two years at a junior college, how can you work a managerial
position. Don't be a loser, using your in-laws to give you things you don't deserve. You should go
help out your younger brother-in-law at his shop.That's how most start out.'
'If that's the case aren't you also a loser? Who are you to act to mighty?! Aren't you doing the same
thing? Acting all uppity in front of us...I don't care that your husband doesn't visit, but how dare you
only come around only once or twice a year, and what about the girls? Do they even know that we exist?!
You need to pick either to look down on us or giving our advice, but you can't do both."
He storms off back into his room, and Good Wife decides that it's time to leave. Giving out money and gifts
to her mother and sister, she tries to make an escape, but running after her, her mother wants pictures
of her grand-daughters since she hasn't seen them in so long. Cooing over the pictures, Good Wife can't
help be look even more melancholy at the display of grandmotherly love.
At the same time, Tae Wook and his father play golf. The father tells Tae Wook that he trusts him more than
Tae Jin, that his brother is going to make a mess of things and probably end up in jail. He wants Tae Wook
to take responsibility by preparing for this situation as much as he can before it actually happens. Tae Wook promises that he will do his best.
At Hyun Woo's office, he and his co-workers are about to eat lunch when the president of the company comes
in and tell Hyun Woo they need to go to a construction site. They go a talk to the forman, but afterward go out for drinks. Hyun Woo comes home and is soo drunk he throws up while his mother tries to help and soothe
him. So can't understand why he's been drinking so much lately. Of course it's because of Dreamers confession.
Insert the flashbacks here.
Fishwife her husband and kids, and the in-laws eat a talk before the kids disperse. We learn that she doesn't
want to hold her kids back from their dreams, but they don't seem to actually want the careers they talk about,
they only want to look cool, hang out with stars and be famous. She doesn't want them to have such
meaningless lives.
Meanwhile, Clueless is throwing up on the train back to Seoul, two women knock on the door because they need
to use the restroom, and she's been in there for so long. She comes out, but since she is so obviously sick,
the women try to help her. She collapses and looks as though she's seizing. At the next stop the paramedics
pick her up and take her to the hospital. While all of this is happening to her, her husband Seung Joo is on
an airplane having fun with only Cynthia around. They laugh and giggle, and decide to go back to her place
when they reach town. Finally she asks him if he's going to go home, and he tells her that he's already called
his son to tell him that the shot in Busan has been extended for another day and to tell his mother. They
laugh about how he's lying to his family.
Fishwife talks to their son and the two of them seem to be getting worried about Clueless, since she's not back
and her cellphone is off. Of course she's talking at the office and the VP walks out in time to see her ending
the conversation. Around him are all the other candidates for the promotion. After work, they all end up at
a karoke room. The VP keeps throwing her mean looks, while Fishwife keeps looking down. Finally, she gets the
bright idea to liven the mood and sing a song. The once boring atmosphere turns more into a party. But then she
seems to get drunk and does a table dance focused on the VP. At first this looks really bad for her, but when everyone is gone, they pour each other drinks and seem to get a bit closer. She even takes the time to see him home.
"You should hurry inside, you're wife must be waiting"
"There is no wife...so...what do you say? Do you want to come in for some..tea?"
"T-tea? I don't think I can. No tea for me" He hesitates before laughing and saying good for you, you should stick to your way of life.
I was only joking since you pulled my tie. Listen, I know that those others are foolish, who cares that they went to the military? They only played soccer". It's like a little joke between them now. "You did a good thing today, being able to go along with other people's moods."
"Oh I understand and I'll be better in the future. Thank you so much". It seems as though he's going to give her the promotion.
The next day, Dreamer informs her co-workers and Tae Wook that she's going to visit her fathers farm for some rest and relaxation. Of course Tae Wook wants to know why, she's going and she only says that she has a headache and wants to go relax.
Immediately after that she hops in a cab and travels by bus to her father's farm.
Hyun Woo visits his mother at work, in the hospital, and she notices that he's still really down. She realizes that it must be a problem with the girl he likes, and as they sip coffee and sit under the trees in the courtyard, she gives him some advice. "You're like you father, shy and internalizing your problems. I was the one to ask him to marry, even though back then it was embarrassing for a woman to do so. I'm glad I did because if I hadn't the time that we were able to be with each other would have been less. You should hold on to whatever it is that you have."
Tae Jin and Good Wife run into each other at the family's office building. When he asks why she's there, she can't answer because she doesn't know yet, father-in-law only told her to come in. In the father-in-laws office, he tells her to hand over the household responsibilities to someone else, because he wants her to take her husband's place on the board of directors. She looks almost afraid to hope that this is real.
Tae Wook arrives at Dreamer's dad's farm, pulling up and calling him father-in-law. He seems happy to see Tae Wook. Meanwhile, somehow, Dreamer and Hyun Wook meet in the tree grove.
1.Good Wife's family seems like they will provide some fresh problems to this melting pot. Right now I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.2. It's good to see that Fishwife isn't mean to her kids just to be mean, but that there's actually a decent reason behind her opposition. Even though her ways of showing that could use a bit of help.
3. What is wrong with TW?! Does he not understand why Dreamer left town, or does he really not care about her feelings? I was so frustrated when he pulled up to the farm! Can't the girl get a chance to breathe? Honestly think they should just break up, and I sorta understand why she doesn't want to hurt him too much, but she needs to stop this runaway train. The longer she tries to keep it going, the worse it gets.
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