Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Goddess of Marriage Episode 8 Recap

In episode 7 we saw Hyun Woo simply bowing to Dreamer's Dad but now we see that when the father asked him "who are you?" Hyun Woo told him he was simply a passerby. So thinking that he was there to tour the farm, Dreamer's Dad shows him the tree orchard. As they walk, he tells him a bit about his family, even bragging
about Dreamer. Finally he says "Are you going to eat before you leave? My daughter had to go back, so I have
to eat alone. Come join me." Hyun Woo looks like he doesn't want to go, but of course ends up eating with the
Dad and the employees that work in the orchard. They ask him a few questions about himself but nothing too
invasive, and everyone drinks some rice wine, when the father starts to pour Hyun Woo a second cup, he tries
to stop him because he drove and doesn't want to get behind the wheel drunk. The father just says "You can take
a nap before you leave. Drink up" Trying not to be disrespectful, he accepts more and drinks it down.

The reason that Tae Wook uses to bring Dreamer back to the city, is that they are finally going to celebrate
his mother's birthday with a party. However, when they get back, it seems his mother is resting, not preparing
for a party. He takes the opportunity to drag her off to their new house next door, and asking the maids to
bring champaigne. Inside it's clean and spacious but the furnishings look as if they've come out of the Kang family storage, because although classic, they just old pieces of furniture. When Dreamer looks less than exstatic, Tae Wook asks why, to which she says " You know I never like to make hasty decisions". Tae Wook shrugs that  off and immediately starts talking about something else, but Dreamer doesn't really listen, she's turned her back to him so that she can look at her cellphone. Hoping for a text or call maybe? Tae Wook notices that she's not paying him any attention and comes up behind her to snatch the phone away. Saying "Who are you texting to?" When she asks for the phone back he holds it out of reach, trying to find out. Finally she snaps at him and raises her voice asking him why he's playing with someone else's phone. At first he just stares at her, and she realizes that she's overreacting, and quickly apologizes, lying that she's waiting  for some information from the radio station. He believes her, but scolds her for thinking of business when she's with him, because he never does that to her. Again she says she's sorry and quickly puts her phone back in her purse.

Like the true wierdo he is, Tae Wook, again switches gears at the drop of a dime and says, "Anyway, let's cheer" giving her a glass of champagne and taking one for himself he says "Even though you're still behaving badly, and are difficult, it just makes me like you more, and rise to the challenge. It's never dull. To our future and happiness, cheers." He does one shot, but Dreamer barely lets the liquid touch her lips. Before she can even take a breath, Tae Wook dives in for a kiss surprising her enough to drop her cup.
They wind up in the bedroom, and Tae Wook is taking the initiative. "Wait, stop." He keeps going "Stop! I don't want this!"
Dreamer pushes him off  and hops out of the bed, and says that she doesn't want to do in this house because it feels like they are betraying his parent's trust.

At the main house, we see another awkward family scene. The father-in-law is being mean to Tae Jin about his decision to go into polotics, and it takes the mother-in-law speaking up, to break up the lecture "This is my birthday, don't beat (verbally) Tae Jin up during my celebration." Everyone looks so upset and unhappy in this family, and Dreamer keeps witnessing these moments.
As Tae Wook drives her home, she can't wait to get home. When he pulls up, she jumps out and runs upstairs. Tae Wook, noticing that she's forgotten her bag, brings it upstairs just in time to catch her leaving a message "I'm sorry we were disrupted, there was nothing I could do in that situation. Please call me, I'll wait to hear from you." His face is a bit scary. He never goes into the room, but gives the bag to her niece before leaving. He knows something is going on.

Outside of their apartment building, Fishwife and Clueless arrive in a taxi, and try to get their game faces on. Fishwife tells her to keep her cool and gather evidence because that is the only way to confront someone like Seung Joo. Even mentions something about Seung Soo living off her money and asks whose name the apartment is under. Clueless says it's in her name.
When she gets upstairs, she tries to come in quietly, but then soon finds that no one is in the main room, and it's a great big mess. Of course the boys couldn't pick up after themselves while she was away.
Seung Joo comes in and is at first surprised by how clean everything is, but then immediately starts yelling at Clueless,"Where were you?!" Never thinking to ask "How are you?", he comes up and starts poking her shoulder. Clueless grows that backbone again and tells him that she was visiting a sick relative. Of course he accuses her of cheating, and this almost makes her lose her cool, but she holds back asking about her son.
He tells her that the boy is at the academy. Then thrust ramen at her and tells her to make it. Sitting down on the couch he immediately turns to the news and smiles and cheeses over Cynthia on the screen. When he knocks into a plastic bowl on the floor (that he left there) he asks "What is this?! What kind of housekeeping are you doing?!" and then throws it and it hits Clueless in the back of the head. This is the last straw. Running across the room, she starts hitting him with the dish gloves. He tries to defend and deflect, and ends up bumping her into a seat, which only makes her more mad. In the end she won that battle.

The next day at work, he barely talks to Cynthia and is curt with everyone, because he's got scratches down the side of his face.
Clueless tells Fishwife about the fight, and is scolded because now they won't be able to find any evidence. All she can say is "I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it in."

Fishwife goes into the VPs office and turns in her resignation. He's surprised but then offended as she gives him the middle finger before storming out of his office.

Dreamer and Hyun Woo meet up. She apologizes for leaving him at the farm the way she did, and when he says that everything is okay, she asks him why he even went to the farm in the first place. At first he's hesistant but soon just asks if he should hold on to her. "If I hold on to you, do you think that you can break your engagement up? I don't think you can, because we can't hurt other people with our feelings. You should just remember me as someone you met once."

Meanwhile Tae Wook has gotten Dreamers cellphone records and notices the number that keeps popping up. When he digs deeper, he finds out that the owner of the number is Hyun Woo. He calls the number and Hyun Woo picks up, and the fact that he's a man seems to confirm his suspicions. He ends up back at the Newly Wed House drinking by himself. He calls Dreamer, who is drinking at a street vendor's and questions her about where she is and what she's doing. Dreamer tells him that she's drinking and waiting for her sister since they've been too busy to have a good conversation. He can tell she's down and asks why, she just says "I'm having a hard
time too." Her words or her attitude make him end the conversation short. They both go back to their drinking.

Back at Tae Wook's house, his brother Tae Jin is talking with Mi Ra, discussing the purchase of a painting and flirting. Good Wife is cleaning up and preparing tea for the in-laws when her mother-in-law comes making a fuss because she's found out that Good Wife will be joining the company. Her husband tells her not to take it out on Good Wife because he told her to keep it a secret. They go back to their bedroom to fight about it. Mother-in-law doesn't trust Good Wife and says that only family members should go to the company, not in-laws. She doesn't want Good Wife to get any ideas,she's from a low class family, and they shouldn't just trust her with so much power. The father-in-law doesn't give her opinion much thought and tells her to sleep. Of course, because she's like the servant, Good Wife heard their
(very loud) conversation as she was coming to serve the night time tea.

Seung Soo is meeting Cynthia at an upscale bar, where she laughs at the scratches on his face. He asks what they should do about their relationship. She's more concerned with Clueless coming to the station. Anything else is up to him. "What if she wants a divorce? Should I do it and just live with you?"
"Do you really think you can do that?" He takes it as a challenge and goes home with determination.

Fish Wife is preparing dinner, her husband watching the kids do their homework, when the VP calls. She starts an argument saying "You're invading my privacy by calling me after work."
"I'm calling you about the inventory list" She tells him they have too much, they don't have enough space for more which is fine since he's never come up with an idea in his life. After hanging up and serving dinner, she goes out to meet Dreamer. "What is marriage?"
"Marriage is reality, it's dreadful and it's hell."
"What type of man should I be with to make all this bareable?"
"Someone like you're brother-in-law, who is healthy, cheerful and not sensitive."
"What's better, marry someone I love, or someone who loves me?"
"It's best if you're both in love, but if I had to only pick one, I would say the one that loves you. I just recently saw an example of marrying the one you love."

We flash to Clueless' house. Seung Soo, walking right up to Clueless he says "No need to drag this out. Let's get divorced. I have a woman. I love her and want to live with her so let's get divorced."where she is literally hanging on to Seung Joo's leg begging him to not leave her. Their son hears all the noise and comes out. Clueless tells
him to go back into his room as she holds on and Seung Joo just stands there.

In the morning, Good Wife and Father-in-law are met at the house but a caravan of employees, welcoming her for her first day at the office. He asks her how much she wants for her salary and she replies that she wants to be paid in shares. He tells her her will give her the hotels they own. The businesses are doing well, so she can have the shares to them. She even gets her own office. She calls her mother since she's still worried about her little brother being out of work. Her mother tells her that he's working at the art shop their brother-in-law owns and she's relieved that he's doing something with his life.
When we see her brother working, a customer comes in who just happens to be Mi Ra.

Dreamer meets Tae Wook at a hotel for a celebratory lunch to congratulate Good Wife on her new position. When they arrive, Hyun Woo is one of the guests.


It feels like now, finally, we might get some action in this show. All the players are set in situations different from where we met them, so I think things should heat up from now on.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Goddess of Marriage Episode 7 Recap

Dreamer arrives at her father's farm and is greeted warmly by him and his long time employees.
After she settles in, they prepare and eat lunch together, he only seems worried that she's come alone.
She assures him that nothing is wrong between her and Tae Wook. They listen to her radio show as
they eat.

At the same time Hyun Woo is also listening to the broadcast.He decides to call the station in order
to talk to her, but is disappointed when he finds out that she is in the country side.

Later that night, Seung Soo finally comes home to find his son, Jang Woo all alone and the house the kitchen a
mess with dirty dishes everywhere. "Where's your mother?
"I don't know". So he calls his sister-in-law Fishwife, and basically accuses her of helping his wife
hide from him as a part of some plot. They argue and since she's driving, she ends up hitting a wall
with her car. She's fine, but the front bumper is hanging.

By now she's late for a meeting with the VP and important members from another company. Their meeting
at a karaoke room. She and the VP seem closer, because he's concerned when he hears that she was in
an accident and her sister-in-law is missing. She tells him she'll give more details later. As they try
to settle into making a deal, some young men come in saying "We are Eagle 5TH Degree! and we're here to per-
form for you". It doesn't take long for Fishwife to notice that one of the guys is her son Jung Woo,
wearing a wig. Of course she ends up chasing him around the room. He ends up going over tables and
people trying to avoid her wrath, and eventually steps right in the lap of the business man they're
trying to make a deal with. The meeting is ruined and VP decides to take out some of his frustrations
on her son by violently pinching his cheeks.

At a hospital, Clueless finally wakes up. The nurse asks her for her phone password so that they can
contact her guardian.
"There's no need, I'll be paying for the fees, so can you just let me rest here a little longer?" We learn
that she's been unconscious there for two days. She turns her head away and silently lets the tears fall.

Dreamer and her father sit up talking about books, when she makes a joke about moving in with him and
writing books. He's surprised and then upset that she seems to be trying to break up with Tae Wook.
"I like him best after you, so don't get any ideas. Just get married to him, have babies and work at
the station." She tries one last time to try and talk to him, but he refuses to listen. She takes a walk
in the grove trying to clear her mind, when she gets a call from a number she doesn't recognize.

Turns out to be Tae Wook calling from the house they will be living in after they get married. It's right
next door to his real house. Anyway, he's calling to make sure she arrived safely. He says "I love you"
"Have you been drinking?"
"Does saying I love you mean that something is wrong with me?" They go back and forth for a bit  him telling
her that he's laying in the bed they're going to share and thinking about her. He wants her in his arms.
This makes her uncomfortable but he tells her that even though she doesn't seem to like hugs from him, he's
taking it as a part of her natural shyness and allowing it to increase his anticipation for the time
when they'll be together. Finally she tells him he needs to go to sleep so he says"I need to hear you say
the words to me tonight. If you do, I'll be your dog for the rest of my life, lick your boots if you want
me too."
"Didn't you hear? I'll lick you're shoes if you want me to, but you have to say the words". Struggling with
herself so much that her hands shake and tears fall, she works her throat trying to remove the lump before
finally croaking out "I love you too." He hangs up and she cries in the moonlight under the trees. Little
does she know that Hyun Woo is on his way to her.

The next day Good Wife is getting Tae Jin's clothes together for when he comes out of the shower, when she
recalls the tail end of the conversation she had with her father-in-law. After telling her to join the company
he formally, and finally, accepts her as a part of the family, for all that she's endured and done for
everyone since she's joined the house. He tells her there is just one last thing that he wants her to do
before coming to work. Produce a male heir. The eldest son, one we're just learning about, ran away from the
family three years ago and has no intention of coming back, making Tae Jin the eldest. Since he can't trust
Tae Jin with the business, and the kids he had with his previous wife are, in the father's opinion, no longer
family, there needs to be a new heir to the business. He tells her to keep this a secret, especially from
Tae Jin and her mother-in-law.
When she comes out of her reverie, Tae Jin is back from his shower and asks what she spoke about with his
father, she lies, easily, and tells him that they only talked about the new daughter-in-law coming. He takes
it at face value and turns to get dressed. However, she starts to slowly disrobe in front of him. He likes
what he sees and carries her to bed.

Later Good Wife is preparing dinner, and remembers the first time she met her mother-in-law. As they sat in
the living room she asked "Why are you meeting Tae Jin?"
"Because I love him"
"You know how many girls have said that? They all end up leaving once they get what they want. Just tell me
the price it's going to cost me to make you go away". Turns out Good Wife didn't have a price, because she
was already pregnant with her first daughter. Tae Jin's mother threw water at her face.

During the night Hyun Woo had driven to the farm and is walking in the grove the next day at the same time
as Dreamer. When they meet she's obviously surprised but very pleased to see him, especially when he says
that he needs to speak with her. Just as they're about to being their conversation, someone from the farm
calls out to her. She makes him promise to wait for her there, because she will come right back. When she
gets back to the house her father is receiving Tae Wook's bows. This surprise isn't so welcome. Tae Wook's
smile is one part sweet and two parts possessive. It's like the air goes out of her sails.

Dreamer ends up preparing breakfast for Tae Wook and her father. When her father asks him what brings him
all the way out there, Tae Wook says "Well I came to give me greetings,but also to take Dreamer back, because
we're finally going to properly celebrate my mother's birthday." Her father has no problems with Dreamer
going back to Seoul and gives his consent. All the while Dreamer sits there like she's frozen, not being
able to say anything for herself or against him.

Before she knows it, he has her things packed and put away in the car, rushing her out of the door. Her father
is telling her to hurry up and go as well, she doesn't want to keep the in-laws waiting, right?
Hyun Woo must have gotten tired of waiting in the trees, because he comes around to the front of the farm and
sees the scene of Tae Woo and her father saying their good-byes. Dreamer notices him and they lock eyes for a
suspended moment before she gets into the car and they drive away.

Her father notices Hyun Woo and asks what he is, but of course Hyun Woo has no answer to give but simply bows.
As they drive back, Dreamer can hold the tears from falling, and she plays it off as if she's just sorry to
leave her father alone because he gets lonely by himself all the time. With this Tae Wook finally shows
some signs of understanding that his actions were not cute or wanted. He tries to apologize but apology not excepted.

Fishwife tries to apologize as well. She's paid all the bills for the ruined evening and tried her best to teach her son a lesson. VP says "You think that's enough?! A 20 million dollar account went to another company. You should be prepared for you next position." At first she's a bit confused but then suddenly rushing down to the lobby, there is a notice with employee names that will be transfered to smaller branch. Now her hopes of becoming a Director are really over.
She's so overcome that she can't even get into her car, just ends up crying next to it. She calls her knight in shining armour to come pick her up, and him being a good guy, really rushes to her side to spend time with her and try to cheer her up. They end up back at the same shop eating pork and drinking soju.
Feeling sorry for herself she remembers all the things she's done trying to endure and be a better and more successful employee, but that's interrupted when Clueless finally gives her a call.

She rushes to the hospital, and a teary Clueless gives her the story. Of course Fishwife isn't sad, but completely outraged.
They find a television and Fishwife makes Clueless confirm the identity of the "other woman".She get so mad that she even takes it out on the television, throwing half eaten ramen right at the screen. When Clueless, starts cleaning up the mess she says "How can you be worried about that now!"
"I don't know what I should be doing in this situation."
"What do you mean, you don't know? You have to get them!"

Tae Wook pulls up to Dreamers building and she can't get out of the car fast enough. Literally running inside and into her room, she immediately tries calling Hyun Woo. The first time he just lets it ring, but the second call he rejects and turns the phone off, he is standing in their park, looking over the water and being pitiful.


                                                                MY THOUGHTS
1. I'm kinda learning to be afraid of Tae Wook, he has a way of passing off his possessiveness in a smooth and charming way. Especially to others. Dreamer can't seem to find an argument against him because everyone else loves him so much, I think she just keeps second guessing herself like 'I must be crazy trying to run from a guy like this, anyone else would love to be me right now.' I can understand her feelings but she NEEDS to get up the power to do something about her situation, not just think about what she wants to do.

2. Fish Wife and Jang Soo really are the best couple in this show. So sweet how he runs to help her when she's really in trouble.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Goddess of Marriage Episode 6- Recap

Tae Wook is suggesting that they call off the wedding because Dreamer keeps acting so unsatisfied, running away and avoiding him. At first her face doesn’t show much of a reaction, but she finally says “you know that from the moment we first met to now has been less than a year. Sometimes I feel that I’ve been pushed here with no time to sort out my feelings or make my own decisions. I’m sorry, so from now on I will answer the phone  when you call, but please give me some time and some room to breath. If you don’t stop suffocating me, I might really decide not to get married to you”.

Tae Wook goes home and meets his mother, who has just finished a rose petal bath, and she asks where he’s coming from so early on a Sunday. He tells her that he’s just met with Dreamer as they had some things to discuss. She scoffs at him for being nagged by his fiancé and he asks why she told Dreamer not to prepare wedding gifts. “Why should she get household items when we already have them? Besides could she really prepare at the level our family is at?”
“But still, maybe you should be more considerate of her feelings.”
“Considerate? Why? So she can spend the money you gave her to buy wedding gifts?”
Now we finally know why Tae Wook gave her the money in the first place, he was actually trying to save her pride in front of his family. He asks what his sister-in-law prepared and at this his mother looks a bit uncomfortable and refuses to share the information.

In some tiny gym, Good Wife takes out her frustrations on punching bag, sweating and huffing.
When someone else enters, she ends her workout and begins packing up. He tries to find out more about
her because she comes to workout but doesn't seem to live in the neighborhood. She doesn't respond to
the questions at all just leaves without showering , taking the back street to reach her car. In the back
seat there are new clothes and she drives to a cheap looking apartment building, which turns out to be
where her mother, sister, a baby and her brother are staying. Even though this is where everyone she
grew up with lives, she seems exasperated with them. As she takes a shower, her father-in-law calls and
she hops out to answer it. Lying about running errands, she promises to return quickly.

Her brother catches her there, crouching in a towel reassuring the in-laws and he definitely doesn't
like what he sees. Asking her why she has to answer before even getting dresssed. In her room she has
books on broadcasting, and pictures of her idol Barbra Walters, this is obviously where she keeps her
"self" the one that's not allowed in the Kang household. After dressing and beautifying herself she tries
to sit down with the rest of the family for lunch, but almost immediately starts a fight with her little
brother asking 'Are you still not working? How long has it been since you finished your military service?'
'Well if you're so great why don't you tell your husband to get me a job?"
"Does that make any sense to you? You only have two years at a junior college, how can you work a managerial
position. Don't be a loser, using your in-laws to give you things you don't deserve. You should go
help out your younger brother-in-law at his shop.That's how most start out.'
'If that's the case aren't you also a loser? Who are you to act to mighty?! Aren't you doing the same
thing? Acting all uppity in front of us...I don't care that your husband doesn't visit, but how dare you
only come around only once or twice a year, and what about the  girls? Do they even know that we exist?!
You need to pick either to look down on us or giving our advice, but you can't do both."

He storms off back into his room, and Good Wife decides that it's time to leave. Giving out money and gifts
to her mother and sister, she tries to make an escape, but running after her, her mother wants pictures
of her grand-daughters since she hasn't seen them in so long. Cooing over the pictures, Good Wife can't
help be look even more melancholy at the display of grandmotherly love.

At the same time, Tae Wook and his father play golf. The father tells Tae Wook that he trusts him more than
Tae Jin, that his brother is going to make a mess of things and probably end up in jail. He wants Tae Wook
to take responsibility by preparing for this situation as much as he can before it actually happens. Tae Wook promises that he will do his best.

At Hyun Woo's office, he and his co-workers are about to eat lunch when the president of the company comes
in and tell Hyun Woo they need to go to a construction site. They go a talk to the forman, but afterward go out for drinks. Hyun Woo comes home and is soo drunk he throws up while his mother tries to help and soothe
him. So can't understand why he's been drinking so much lately. Of course it's because of Dreamers confession.
Insert the flashbacks here.

Fishwife her husband and kids, and the in-laws eat a talk before the kids disperse. We learn that she doesn't
want to hold her kids back from their dreams, but they don't seem to actually want the careers they talk about,
they only want to look cool, hang out with stars and be famous. She doesn't want them to have such
meaningless lives.

Meanwhile, Clueless is throwing up on the train back to Seoul, two women knock on the door because they need
to use the restroom, and she's been in there for so long. She comes out, but since she is so obviously sick,
the women try to help her. She collapses and looks as though she's seizing. At the next stop the paramedics
pick her up and take her to the hospital. While all of this is happening to her, her husband Seung Joo is on
an airplane having fun with only Cynthia around. They laugh and giggle, and decide to go back to her place
when they reach town. Finally she asks him if he's going to go home, and he tells her that he's already called
his son to tell him that the shot in Busan has been extended for another day and to tell his mother. They
laugh about how he's lying to his family.

Fishwife talks to their son and the two of them seem to be getting worried about Clueless, since she's not back
and her cellphone is off. Of course she's talking at the office and the VP walks out in time to see her ending
the conversation. Around him are all the other candidates for the promotion. After work, they all end up at
a karoke room. The VP keeps throwing her mean looks, while Fishwife keeps looking down. Finally, she gets the
bright idea to liven the mood and sing a song. The once boring atmosphere turns more into a party. But then she
seems to get drunk and does a table dance focused on the VP. At first this looks really bad for her, but when everyone is gone, they pour each other drinks and seem to get a bit closer. She even takes the time to see him home.
"You should hurry inside, you're wife must be waiting"
"There is no wife...so...what do you say? Do you want to come in for some..tea?"
"T-tea? I don't think I can. No tea for me" He hesitates before laughing and saying good for you, you should stick to your way of life.
I was only joking since you pulled my tie. Listen, I know that those others are foolish, who cares that they went to the military? They only played soccer". It's like a little joke between them now. "You did a good thing today, being able to go along with other people's moods."
"Oh I understand and I'll be better in the future. Thank you so much". It seems as though he's going to give her the promotion.

The next day, Dreamer informs her co-workers and Tae Wook that she's going to visit her fathers farm for some rest and relaxation. Of course Tae Wook wants to know why, she's going and she only says that she has a headache and wants to go relax.
Immediately after that she hops in a cab and travels by bus to her father's farm.

Hyun Woo visits his mother at work, in the hospital, and she notices that he's still really down. She realizes that it must be a problem with the girl he likes, and as they sip coffee and sit under the trees in the courtyard, she gives him some advice. "You're like you father, shy and internalizing your problems. I was the one to ask him to marry, even though back then it was embarrassing for a woman to do so. I'm glad I did because if I hadn't the time that we were able to be with each other would have been less. You should hold on to whatever it is that you have."

Tae Jin and Good Wife run into each other at the family's office building. When he asks why she's there, she can't answer because she doesn't know yet, father-in-law only told her to come in. In the father-in-laws office, he tells her to hand over the household responsibilities to someone else, because he wants her to take her husband's place on the board of directors. She looks almost afraid to hope that this is real.

Tae Wook arrives at Dreamer's dad's farm, pulling up and calling him father-in-law. He seems happy to see Tae Wook. Meanwhile, somehow, Dreamer and Hyun Wook meet in the tree grove.


1.Good Wife's family seems like they will provide some fresh problems to this melting pot. Right now I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
2. It's good to see that Fishwife isn't mean to her kids just to be mean, but that there's actually a decent reason behind her opposition. Even though her ways of showing that could use a bit of help.
3. What is wrong with TW?! Does he not understand why Dreamer left town, or does he really not care about her feelings? I was so frustrated when he pulled up to the farm! Can't the girl get a chance to breathe? Honestly think they should just break up, and I sorta understand why she doesn't want to hurt him too much, but she needs to stop this runaway train. The longer she tries to keep it going, the worse it gets.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Two Weeks (Koreandrama) TRAILER

I'm starting to look forward to the premiere of this drama more and more, and this trailer is pushing me even harder. I think Lee Jun Ki looks great and the storyline is starting to make more sense to me than it did a few weeks ago when I posted the information for this show. They're giving August 7th as the premiere date, and it's supposed to air on Wednesday and Thursday.

The Master's Sun Info

The Master's Sun-CP01.jpg

Title: The Master's Sun
Genre: Supernatural, Romance
Studio: SBS
Screenwriter: The Hong Sisters (2012s Big, and 2011s Greatest Love)
Episodes: Not Yet Confirmed
Premiere Date and Schedule: August 7th, airing Wednesday and Thursday
Starring: So Ji Sub, and Gong Hyo Jin
Show Premise: So Ji Sub (most recently in 'Ghost') plays Joo Joong Won a selfish and greedy CEO, who works along-side his secretary Tae Gong Sil played  by Gong Hyo Jin (most recently starred in 'Greatest Love'), who through an accident can see ghosts. As they're pushed together, they grow to love and understand each other.

Honestly, there isn't much information about the premise of this show, and therefore the plot seems a bit thin.
There are a few interesting facts about this show Seo In Guk (most well known for 'Reply 1997/ Answer Me 1997) as well as Myungsoo, or more commonly called L from the group Infinite (most well known for 'Shut Up! Flower Boy Band') will be a part of the cast for this show. Both were good in the respective shows, so their addition to the cast only increases my interest.
Hopefully The Hong Sisters have reflected on their  past mistake project 'Big', and have learned from the experience. I want to watch this show, because I like both Ji Sub and Hyo Jin for past projects, however the burn of the unfortunate show 'Big' has left me a little apprehensive, especially since that show was also from the supernatural genre.
I know, I will give this show a chance, but I don't have to be happy about it...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Goddess of Marriage Episode 5 Recap

Hyun Woo and Dreamer meet up and hug in the middle of the street. Then he drives them back to their park, and as she starts to look guilty, he holds he hand and drives the rest of the way. As they walk she says "I've always thought that guys were the worst, they only one that i didn't feel that way about was my father." She continues talking and then he just suddenly kisses her. At first she pushes him away, but them grabs hold of him, and they make-out in the light of the dawning sun.  
When they finally break the lip-lock, she finally FINALLY comes right out and tells him that she has a fiancé.
Meanwhile Tae Wook sits at his desk, staring at his phone. Finally, he can't wait any longer and leaves the house, looking furious.

At Fishwife's house, she's putting out breakfast for the whole family. Her foolish son is trying to get the perfect shave, and her two daughters argue until the eldest makes the youngest, Min Joo, cry.  Her husband isn't much help but, he makes Min Joo stop crying by farting in her face. To all this Dreamer walks in, and dazedly goes into her room and climbs under the covers.
On the drive to work, her son, Jung Woo pretends to have a cold and wears a face mask, her foolish eldest daughter, Min Jung talks about marriages being based on reality, that she wouldn't be acting disappointed in Tae Wook and that Dreamer should just hand him over to her. This ridiculous young woman…
Soon chaos reigns as all the kids fight almost causing an accident. Clueless' poor son, Jang Woo, just wants his mom to come home.

However, she is in Busan watching her husband Seung Soo, and Cynthia, while trying to remain unseen. Even following to their staff outing. Seung Soo tries feeling Cynthia's knee under the table, but is told to let go and then he hits a woman by accident, who is of course Clueless. Everything she does, seems to land her in trouble. Running after their bus, she trips and makes two bike riders fall along with her.

At work Fishwife is working hard, when suddenly she realizes something. Rushing out of the building and over to a school yard, she finds her son bragging about his cool facial hair. Of course the wacky woman ends up shaving his face in front of the whole class. Why? Because he lied.

Dreamer is still laying in bed with Tae Wook tries and fails to reach her by phone. he remembers the last thing she said to him at his house FLASHBACKS START: "Don't you understand? You've killed me twice". Which reminds him of the first time he introduced himself to her. He came up to her in the radio station and told her that his sundae was he brother-in-law, and that they had met before. She didn't remember him, but he didn't seem to take offense. They ended up drinking coffee, and very to the point, Tae Wook tells he he wants to date. To that she asked "Why"
"Because I fell for you the first time we met"
"So you come a year after….let me just ask you one more question, why did you wait?"
"The first reason was, since I was a new persecutor, I was very busy. The second is I was so busy, I wouldn't have time to treat you right."
Seeming charmed by his words, even though she's a bit cautious because of his confidence that they're fated. They start dating. He drops by her work and eats with her co-workers, and very soon afterward proposes. she tells him "I can't accept your proposal. I don't think I love you"
"He tells her that, that's okay. he doesn't believe marriages last that are based on love, and even though he loves her, since he's sure he won't change, it doesn't matter that she's not in love." FLASHBACKS END. After all this, he returns home, and tries contacting Dreamer again, leaving a message to call him with she receives it.

Downstairs, his parents are fighting once again. His mother is so fed up with the father hitting and throwing things at her that she puts up her fists, and says "Let's go, if you want to attack, just do it. I can't live like this anymore!"  She actually does get to punch him twice in the arm, though I doubt they were actually felt, but he still pushes her down into a chair. They argue and fight, and finally she comes right out and says that Tae Jin and Good Wife are going on television, which in furiates him.

Meanwhile, Good Wife is getting her make up applied, while her old colleague throws dirty looks. She isn't happy either, but goes through the motions, first in a supermarket and then in a more intimate living room setting. Everything's going smoothly, and when asked how she like being a house wife, if she misses broadcasting, she says "No, I'm really very happy where my life is, and caring for my family." Which even makes her angry colleague feel pity, because it is so obviously a lie.
Finally Tae Jin, enters, looking happy and easy going, which only seems to make her more uncomfortable. He then tries to create a picture of an their relationship, in which, Good Wife, actually gets to have an opinion. He even shows pictures of the children, which was the one thing, she really wanted to avoid. The interview ends and he notices, that she's upset, and wants to know why. She tells him, they'll talk at home.

Dreamer finally gets up, and remembers the last half of the conversation she had with Hyun Woo where she confesses that Tae Wook was her fiancé before Jeju, that they decided to break up before she met him, but when she returned, Tae Wook didn't want to give up on her.  She said that she knew all this must seem devious, and she had thought about what to do. She was really sorry. The whole time Hyun Woo, took it all in, but looked devastated. 

At the same time Hyun Woo is also thinking about their exchange as he drives, before having to go to the construction site of one of the buildings he designed. There are a few problems, because the owner keeps changing their mind about the design. Hyun Woo ends up joining them for rice wine, and even after they all get back to work, he sits forlornly remembering the times where Dreamer, tried to push him away.

Fishwife gets a call from Tae Wook, complaining that Dreamer isn't returning his call, but she gets distracted because her husband, Jang Soo is scolding their son, and the daughters are arguing. When she hangs up, telling him she'll talk to Dreamer, she goes to see her in her room. Dreamer is awake but still in bed, and tries to deny that anything is wrong. 
Later, Fishwife sits with her in-laws, and Dreamer can hear them saying that she's so lucky because he doesn't lack anything, he's a prosecutor and his family is rich, her parents must be soooo happy.

Meanwhile Clueless is still stalking her husband in Busan. Waiting outside the hotel, she comes up with an excuse of a sick relative she's visiting, and texts him asking if they can go back to Seoul together. He doesn't respond, but the whole crew pulls up to the entrance and goes inside. As she's  been acting really strangely, the staff at the hotel give her a hard time about getting in, but she rides the service elevator just in time to see the news cast all going into their rooms. At first it seems as though Seung Soo and Cynthia go into different rooms, but as she applies some make up, he comes out she sees that they are definitely having an affair. She ends up breaking down in front of the door when she can hear them getting freaky through the door. Quietly, almost inaudibly, she begs him not to do, what she knows he's doing. She ends up sitting on the beach watching the waves crash along the shore.

The next day, Good Wife goes to see her sunbae at the broadcast station. she talks about some of her responsibilities, and says "I'm not living in luxury as you think."
Sunbae is disbelieving and says "You didn't come here just to tell me that.  You came because you're afraid of what I might say to your niece and nephew. Don't worry, I'm not a gossiper."
Acting almost mechanical Good Wife takes a sip of her coffee, commenting on the taste, and seems to get lost in her thoughts.

As Dreamer leaves the house for work, Tae Wook is waiting for her outside, she go to cafe and he gets to the point saying "Let's NOT get married".



What the hell is going on with Good Wife? why are her niece and nephew and how are they connected to her sunbae ? When she was waiting, I thought she was there for one of two reasons, either to tell her to edit her kids out of the interview or to ask for forgiveness/ her job back. I'm actually a bit confused right now, where her storyline is going.

I wonder what Clueless is going to do, she is obviously really heart broken, but will she let Seung Soo just talk his way out of it again? Will she ask for divorce? Personally, I think she really needs to go find a hobby, whether she stays with him or not, she needs to do more for herself, and stop idolizing her husband or any one person.

It was nice to see Min doing some of the childcare stuff, even though he was very different than any parent I know, in his approach. At least, we can see that sometimes he's a help to his wife, and right now, I still think they have the best relationship. Too bad their kids are out of control.